St Philip’s is a congregation of Christians, under the episcopal care of the Bishop of Woolwich, who rely on the effective power of prayer and the healing power of the Holy Spirit and who live out this faith in weekly and daily worship and common life.
Our faith flows from the Holy Scriptures and Tradition passed down from the teachings of the early church Fathers, creeds and councils. In particular: we believe that God has entered and shared our human life to the utmost in the person of Jesus Christ, his life, death and resurrection and therefore shows himself to us now through the events of human lives, and in witness and discipleship in the world.
When we come together to celebrate the sacraments, we encounter God through his son: a spiritual, life giving reality, present in a material form.
The people of St Philip’s manifest our faith through worship that uses colour, light, music our minds and senses and ancient symbols.
We seek to give God glory by being open as a Christian community, to Him, to each other, to tradition, to community and to new currents and ideas of the spirit.